TEXTURE is my medium

Travelling through ever changing cities, where old and new co-exist, we can slow down and notice textural irregularities.

Time worn surfaces that hold evidence of our movements and the passing of time.

I'm a quiet observer.

Curiosity compels me to explore and interact with the world around me.

I record visual information then ask myself, how does it relate to what I'm making.

'The beauty of imperfection' is the focus for my work.

As a multi-disciplinary artist with a background in fashion design, texture is integral in my process.

It's the stimulus for ideas and the thread that pulls them together.

Imperfection transforms into beautiful wall-based art objects.

Artistic imagination and skilled craft work combine, to create intriguing pieces that will add texture to your interior space.

MAKING is my life

Watch a short video about my process and inspiration
Click below to discover more 'one-of-a-kind' pieces



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